The Dear Dyslexic Foundation is the leading organisation in Australia for changing the world of dyslexics through storytelling.

Our story began in 2015 when founder Shae Wissell shared her story with the world. Shae wanted to disrupt what people think and understand about dyslexia: we work, we study, we succeed.

The Dear Dyslexic Foundation is creating a change! Young people and adults with learning disabilities like dyslexia, has for the first time been given a voice and a place to learn and be supported.

The Dear Dyslexic Foundation gives young people and adults a platform to share their lived experience of dyslexia and other learning disabilities. We want to revolutionise the way our communities see and talk about us.

Through storytelling, we are creating a world of acceptance and empathy that empowers those with dyslexia and other learning disabilities to reach their full potential. Together, we can live healthier, happier more connected lives.

We use storytelling to:

  • give people a voice

  • be a change agent

  • provide access to evidence-based programs and services 

See how we can give you a voice, how we can help you be a change agent or the types of services and supports you can access, so you can be empowered to reach your full potential. 

'Dear Dyslexic' is unique. It is run by and for people who have dyslexia.

All the content is easily accessible by text-to-speech technology, and the site features an extensive collection of podcasts that give voice to people from all walks of life who have dyslexia.

Dr Nola Firth, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne

The Dear Dyslexic Foundation: changing the world through storytelling

This website uses Browsealoud 

(Click the icon in the lower right) a screen reader

  • a language translator
  • a text magnifier
  • a page simplifier
  • a screen masking tool, and
  • an audio recording tool

learn how to use it here!