The Dear Dyslexic Foundation offers a range of opportunities for your business to partner with us as we work to create opportunities for young Australians with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

Since our founding, Dear Dyslexic has developed a community of dyslexics who are striving to make it in a word-y world.

We’ve done that through:

  • our resources for students, educators and businesses
  • our podcasts, offering an opportunity to learn the stories of fellow dyslexics without the print barrier
  • our training, which is providing workplaces with the tools they need to help all their staff to be their best.

When you partner with the Dear Dyslexic Foundation you support a small Australian not-for-profit that has big ambition.

There are more than two million Australians with dyslexia or other learning disabilities. We want to work with all of them and change the world through storytelling, creating a place where the unique abilities of those of us with dyslexia are recognised and rewarded.

Get in touch to talk about how your partnership can help to tell our stories far and wide

Remember, all donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Email [email protected] to find out more.