‘Dyslexic? Doing a Doctorate? No way’!: Supervising the PhD journey of the student with dyslexia webinar In this online session, Shae and Dr Judith Hudson discussed the academic supervision of dyslexic students in post-graduate, higher education and doctorate studies. The individual with dyslexia more often than not has the gift of seeing first the ‘whole picture’ or the ‘end’ product, but not the route towards getting there. They can be visionary, insightful, have a wonderful imagination, but when they go into what Judith terms ‘free flight’ mode, it is the role of the supervisor to catch them, pull them gently back and re-ground them in the more mundane aspects of the doctorate journey (usually the writing up!) Identifying the areas where the greatest input is needed as; Time management Keeping on track Getting something ‘in writing’ and responding to ‘it’s all my head’ Self-esteem ‘stroking’ Dr Judith Hudson has worked in the field of dyslexia for four decades, as a post-graduate student-Diplomatist, Masters in education degree and PhD. She is a qualified teacher, Chartered Psychologist, author, researcher and senior lecturer-Adjunct at the University of Tasmania. She shares her time between Wales UK and Australia but currently ‘locked down’ in the UK. She is a registered PhD supervisor at both Flinders University, South Australia, and the University of Tasmania, supervising five students, four of whom are dyslexic. One resides in Canada four are in Australia. She is also an experienced examiner of Masters and PhD candidates. She has both assessed and taught across the age range including; children from age 4 years and through to adults, the eldest being aged 80, in schools, colleges, universities and prison. She has a dyslexic husband Duncan, and grandson Sam, both of whom have successful working lives. Duncan is a retired chemistry teacher with a passion for his subject; Sam is a published author of two Sci-Fi novels and works full time as a planning officer. Since 2014 Judith has been an ambassador and board member of Square Pegs Tasmania Dyslexia Support and advocacy group, and has presented Dyslexia Awareness workshops in both Tasmania and Victoria for parents and teachers of children with dyslexia. This is a free webinar provided through volunteers. Please feel free to donate if you enjoyed what you learnt tonight. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Your support is greatly appreciated in helping us continue the work we are doing. Please select a donation amount (required) $50 Will help us continue the work we are doing change the lives of young people and adults with dyslexia. $75 Will help us support young people and adults with a mentor. $100 Will help us run our 1800 helpline so those with dyslexia can connect through our peer support service. Other Donate