Looking After Yourself These are the things that have helped me to manage at work and in my personal life. I’d love to hear more about what’s worked for you – share them with this community and add them to the blog or Facebook: Exercise!! Sometimes I just can’t be bothered, but it does help to clear my mind and refocus. I’ve found playing team sports (though it can be frustrating) has helped to improve my coordination. Get enough sleep – this one’s so important. Work on my self-awareness so that I recognise when I’m not managing and ask for help. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness strategies have all helped me. Anticipation is critical. When I have a pretty good idea of the areas where I’m going to struggle, I then make sure I have strategies (mindfulness activities or exercise are both great) to reduce my anxiety and stress levels when the problem areas come up (And if I do better than I thought I would, then it’s a bonus!). Make sure I have people around that I trust; and talk about what’s going on in my life. Find a good counsellor or psychologist, ones who have a specialty in people with learning disabilities can be terrific. Talk to your GP for ideas. Do the things you enjoy. I actually love reading and find it’s a great way to have some me-time. I also love music. Focus on the things that make you happy, and use them to take some time out from the world. Most of all remember to BREATHE. People with dyslexia are everywhere and you are not alone! All the parts that contribute to your mental health and wellbeing are related, you can’t have one without the others. Use strategies that work for you at each of these levels to help you to succeed and achieve. If you are struggling at the moment, you can and should seek specialist help via: your GP Australian Psychological Society headspace beyondblue