Dyslexia resources Dear Dyslexic Podcast Series Episode 34 with Andrew Eddy from Untapped Group Its been such challenging few months especially for those with dyslexia and other neurodivergence such as autism. Today’s interview is all about how we can better support our neurodiverse community in higher education including how to manage during a pandemic and I am so pleased to be speaking with Andrew Eddy today. Andrew is the co-founder of Untapped, a social enterprise focused on developing a neurodiverse employment ecosystem to increase opportunities for autistic individuals. Tips for working and studying from home Listen Now This podcast has been sponsored by the Vice-Chancellor of Tasmanian University Professor Rufus Black. Rufus was one of our 2018 podcast interviewees. To find out more about his story head to deardyslexic.com and listen to his podcast which is Episode 15. Please select a donation amount (required) $50 Will help us continue the work we are doing change the lives of young people and adults with dyslexia. $75 Will help us support young people and adults with a mentor. $100 Will help us run our 1800 helpline so those with dyslexia can connect through our peer support service. Other Donate Dear Dyslexic Foundation changing the world through storytelling