Research At the Foundation what is important to us is that everything we do is underpinned by evidence-based research. That’s why we’ve partnered with La Trobe University to undertake research, which supports young people and adults with learning disabilities, enjoy better mental wellbeing and feel included and respected in their workplace. This is the first time an organisation in Australia has undertaken research like this. It’s an exciting time! HEC19254 Research project 2 - Looking from the Outside In - Dyslexia and the Workplace The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, we will seek to better understand a person’s experience with Dyslexia in the workplace. Data will be collected through interviews conducted with adults who have Dyslexia working or have previously held employment. Secondly, this research will seek the views and experiences of employers who work or manage staff with Dyslexia. In this way, we are seeking to capture both perspectives of the workforce. This research will be the first of its kind in Australia. Outcomes of this research will contribute to improving, and or, establishing preliminary strategies and processes around how to best accommodate the needs of individuals with Dyslexia in the workplace, whilst also meeting the expectations of employers. When people with Dyslexia enter the workforce, they must adapt to a complex environment with numerous demands while receiving little to no support (Beer., et al, 2014). HEC1833 Research project 1 - Impacts of living with dyslexia in adulthood The Dear Dyslexic Foundation has conducted research into the social and emotional wellbeing of young people s who live with dyslexia about how they think their overall wellbeing is going. Our aim is to explore the impact that people with dyslexia think that dyslexia has on their psychosocial and emotional wellbeing. Once we've found this information, we will use that to support a larger thesis research study that will look at dyslexia as the hidden disability in the workplace. A recent Australian study by Boyes et al (2015, pg. 264) suggests that: Reading difficulties are a risk factor for the development of later mental health problems. We're breaking new and important ground! Dear Dyslexic Foundation — empowering young people and adults to reach their full potential. Changing the world through storytelling.