Recently DDF has been going through significant change and has now partnered with re:think dyslexia.

re:think dyslexia is a global leader that will influence intergenerational change so adults with dyslexia are never left behind. Our mission is to create inclusive environments that enable adults with dyslexia to live healthier, happier, and more connected lives.

As the end of the financial year approaches we are calling on our community to help keep the podcasts alive and thriving. Previously we received enough sponsorship to keep the podcasts alive from businesses including:
and from DDF community members including
  • Professor Rufus Black
  • Lois Letcford
  • Author LJ Kidd
  • DDF Community Member
Without their support, our podcast show would have stopped. To ensure our podcasts continue we need your support. For as little as $250.00 you can sponsor a podcast that helps provide direct support to our community. We have been told our podcasts have reduced the sense of isolation those with dyslexia can feel, helped people feel part of a community and have been educational. With our sponsorship support, we had over 5,000 downloads worldwide with 10 new podcasts created. With nearly 15000 downloads are podcast series continues to grow rapidly.

In return for your support, you will be promoting through our newsletter, social media channels and be exposed to an international audience.

A big thank you to Scanning Pens and Blue Star Eye Care who have sponsored a podcast this year!

Be part of the journey of empowering those in our community.

Here is what one listener had to say about our podcasts:

Absolutely love your podcast - am devouring everything you have said and written and want to say

You are not only a north star on a critical issue in a fragmented media landscape (move over Dr Norman Swan), you are my personal hero. 
Donate now or contact [email protected] to find out more.