Recently DDF has been going through significant change and has now partnered with re:think dyslexia.

re:think dyslexia is a global leader that will influence intergenerational change so adults with dyslexia are never left behind. Our mission is to create inclusive environments that enable adults with dyslexia to live healthier, happier, and more connected lives.

1 in 10 Australians have Dyslexia[1].

Up to 40% of the prison population have Dyslexia[2]. 

People with Dyslexia have an attempted suicide rate of 46% higher than the average population[3].

Dyslexic individuals have untapped skills that are essential to the future workforce.

 The Dear Dyslexic Foundation empowers those 16 and over with Dyslexia to reach their full potential.


We need to gain the commitment of those in power in Australia to influence changes for those people who have Dyslexia.


The cost to our community is too high to ignore.




  1. Medicare (MBS). Learning Disability Assessments to be listed as an item on the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) to provide a rebate for diagnostic assessments in conjunction with the Australian Psychology Society.
    Countless people suffer poor mental health and wellbeing as they are unable to access a diagnostic assessment in the education system or workplace due to high costs, which many in our society are unable to afford. This means that they are ineligible to receive any required adjustments or support that will enable them to reach their full potential.


  1. List Dyslexia as an independent Primary Disability under the NDIS.
    Within the community, there is significant confusion as to whether Dyslexia is covered under the NDIS. This confusion is resulting in numerous people with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia missing out on the assistance they would otherwise be entitled to receive, thereby dramatically limiting their quality of life and contribution to society. An Assistive Technology Fund for people with Dyslexia needs to be introduced to provides assistive technology options directly to all Dyslexic students in educational institutions and for employees around Australia.

  1. Education for workplaces and teachers. Support and fund the development of a Dyslexia Awareness campaign targeting higher educational institutions and workplaces.

 Dyslexia Awareness Campaigns, workplace education & teacher training are required to provide targeted information to educational institutions and workplaces. There is a severe lack of understanding of what Dyslexia is and what support is available, especially in workplaces. This results in unintentional discrimination and a dramatic underutilisation of adults with Dyslexia in education and the workforce.


  1. Research in Workplaces and Higher Education. Support and fund research into Australian workplaces and educational providers to assess suitable strategies and adjustments to enhance outcomes for those with Dyslexia.
    Fund the development of Dyslexia-Friendly Australian workplaces and educational institutions, which improve outcomes and achievements for Dyslexic people. Most workplaces are not currently equipped to provide the support required to meet the needs of those with Dyslexia or utilise their potential talent. With the right practices, workplaces can discover how to cultivate the skills of those with Dyslexia, which will futureproof the Australian workforce.

    Educational Institutions that are upskilled to support students with Dyslexia will develop the minds of very capable individuals. The key advantages of the Dyslexic mind are the ability to give birth to truly innovative ideas, think strategically and communicate a vision. The International Dyslexic community already has extensive alumni of successful leaders and entrepreneurs, including Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) and Richard Branson. Those with Dyslexia hold a unique set of currently untapped skills that will become essential to the future workforce[4].

  2. ‘At Risk’ additional support. To provide additional supports and services for people with Dyslexia who are deemed ‘at risk’ and are falling behind in educational settings or in workplaces.

        Most recent research indicates that people who have Dyslexia suffer from alarmingly high rates of anxiety, depression, and a                  staggering 46% higher rate of attempted suicide than the rest of the population[5].

The Dear Dyslexic Foundation aims to improve the quality of life outcomes by raising awareness of Dyslexia and its impacts.


[1] Moody, S., (2009) Dyslexia and Employment: A guide for Assessors, Trainers and Managers, Wiley-Blackwell, United Kingdom

[2] British Dyslexia Association Good Practice Guide for Justice Professionals, Guidelines for supporting Clients and

Users of the Justice System who have Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties (2013) United Kingdom

[3] Fuller-Thomson, Esme, Carroll, Samara Z., and Yang, Wook. "Suicide Attempts among Individuals with

Specific Learning Disorders: An Underrecognized Issue." Journal of Learning Disabilities 51.3 (2018): 283-92. Web. 

[4] Ernst Young, (2018), The Value of Dyslexia, United Kingdom

[5] Fuller-Thomson, Esme, Carroll, Samara Z., and Yang, Wook. "Suicide Attempts among Individuals with Specific Learning Disorders: An Underrecognized Issue." Journal of Learning Disabilities 51.3 (2018): 283-92. Web.