Each year we call on those in higher education and the workplace to take action and support their students and staff by promoting our campaign during national Dyslexia Awareness Month.

2019 Campaign

2019 Dyslexia Awareness Month Campaign Resilience the Courage to Fall and Raise ran from 1 until 31 October.

The theme focused on resilience and focusing on our strengths. We also want to challenge everyone to think about how we can create dyslexia-friendly learning and working environments. 

2019 activities

During October we ran several activities to help raise awareness of dyslexia and other learning disabilities including:

1 October we launched the new Dear Dyslexic website, yay!  

Shae was also a guest speaker on Plenty Valley Community Radio Station and presented at Australasian Corrections Education Association (ACEA) Conference.

On the 15th of October Shae was a guest at Parliament House in Canberra as Senator Amanda Stoker launched our national campaign. 

Queensland Senator stands up to support this year's campaign

Queensland Senator Amanda Stoker put her support behind Dyslexia Awareness Month and our campaign. Senator Stoker says "if a person wants to work, we should make sure we do everything we can to facilitate their employment. It is important for their well-being and of course, it is better for the country they do too." On the 15th of October Senator Stoker launched our campaign in federal government speaking about dyslexia and launched our red ribbon. On the 16th of October MP Trevor Watts also spoke in Queensland Parliament of dyslexia and came out for the first time that he himself was dyslexic.

On the 18th of October, we ran our Dear Dyslexic Annual Gala Resilience the Courage to Rise and Fall

24th October we ran training in collaboration with the University of Sydney Practical tools for working and supporting students with Dyslexia and Specific Learning Disabilities

How do you build  dyslexia-friendly Education and Workplaces Environments A4 Posters



A3 Awareness Posters


2019 Resilience Gala

Part of the celebrations is our Annual Gala Dinner that was held on 18 October with special guest speaker, acclaimed Australian author (and proud dyslexic) Jackie French and award winners Mandy Nayton, Jemima Hutton and the Equal Employment Opportunity network. The awards were presented by Parliamentary Secretary for Schools Tim Richardson.