Dyslexia resources Dear Dyslexic Podcast Series Episode 6 with Professor Keith Houghton Keith Houghton is a widely respected academic and has developed a profile on policy matters in productivity and efficiency in scholarly research, including papers on the economics of higher education in Australia, the US and Europe. He is a Patron of SPELDVic and is a fellow dyslexic. He has written and published widely in international and domestic journals. He has served on a number of editorial boards and remains active as a reviewer of research journals from around the world. The research paradigm applied by Professor Houghton involves the use of archival, survey and experimental data. He researches using quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method approaches. He has been one of two independent reviewers of the Australian audit practice of the accounting firm KPMG prior to the formal oversight by Australia’s corporate regulator ASIC and has appeared before many Australian Parliamentary and other inquiries and court cases as an expert witness. He is an Emeritus Professor of Australian National University (ANU) and is currently a Professor at Swinburne Business School. Listen now If you would like to hear more of our great podcasts then help us by donating. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible and every dollar helps! Please select a donation amount (required) $50 Will help us continue the work we are doing change the lives of young people and adults with dyslexia. $75 Will help us support young people and adults with a mentor. $100 Will help us run our 1800 helpline so those with dyslexia can connect through our peer support service. Other Donate Dear Dyslexic Foundation, changing the world through storytelling.