The difference we make You can read a few of the personal stories of people who've benefitted from Dear Dyslexic's comprehensive range of resources on our Case Studies page. If that leaves you feeling inspired, don't forget to check out those resources for yourself and find out just how much help Dear Dyslexic can be for you. Take a listen to our podcasts - there are great stories from people who live and thrive with dyslexia Read (or listen) to our factsheets - if you need tips for your study, this is a great place to find them Call in to our helpline - have you struck a problem that's not being addressed by our resources? Give us a call! This organisation, I consider, is a positive step towards making it ‘safe’ for adults with dyslexia in Australia to ‘self-disclose’ this information in the workplace, without fear of comebacks, negative outcomes or discrimination from their employer. Dr. Judith Hudson. Ambassador Square Pegs Tasmania Dyslexia Support Group Inc.